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Meet Our Executive Team


Leneisha Sterling


Leneisha is passionate about the transformative power of running and its ability to bring people together. Her journey in the running community began in 2016 and since then, running has not only become a personal fitness endeavor but a journey of self-discovery and community engagement. Since joining Pacers Running Club, Leneisha has consistently built up a running cadence of 30 – 50 miles weekly, completed three International marathons, and is most proud of reducing her PB by more than 1 hour in this distance (from 5hr:33 to 4Hr:30). A strong proponent in Kipchoge’s mantra “No Human is Limited”, Leneisha believes in the importance of perseverance and the incredible sense of accomplishment that comes from pushing one’s limits.

Her vision for Pacers Running Club is to be a hub for all runners in our community, promoting not only physical health but also mental well-being and a sense of belonging. Her objective is, to lead the Executive Team, to foster and create opportunities for Pacers members to discover the joy of running, set and achieve personal goals, and build lasting connections with fellow enthusiasts!

Advice to Pacers Members:

“I encourage every member to embrace their unique running journey, set ambitious goals, and, most importantly, enjoy the process. Together, let's continue to inspire each other and make Pacers Running Club a place where everyone feels at home. Let's lace up our shoes and hit the road together!.”

If you have any questions or ideas you'd like to share, please feel free to connect with Leneisha through the Pacers Email or on IG at @DuchessDiona.



Nikita Wainwright

Vice President

Nikita is a mother of three beautiful girls and an Entrepreneur. Nikita has been running for the past 13 years however she has been running with the Pacers Running Club for 12 of those years. Her journey as a runner is one of the most fulfilling experiences to date. She started out as one of the top 5 age group 5K runners, who then blossomed into a sub two hour half marathoner and has recently added a full marathoner to her running accolades. Nikita has a Masters Degree in International Business and Trade from the University of the West Indies and a first degree in International Business with a Minor in Economics from Florida Atlantic University.


Jeffrey Foreman


Jeffrey Foreman is an attorney-at-law. He is a two-time marathoner having completed the Reggae and Philadelphia marathons. However, his favourite event is the half-marathon, which he has completed many times. When not running, he is active in crossfit and swimming, and contributes to voluntary causes associated with Kingston College.


Damian Reynolds


Damion Reynolds is what one may term as subtly strong and diverse; having a balanced composition of Finance and Athleticism. He holds the post as AVP for Finance at Proven Group Ltd. His responsibilities include the preparation of monthly, quarterly, and annual Financials that are submitted to the board of directors, senior management, and the Jamaica Stock Exchange. Damion’s Finance faculty extends beyond Proven Group; he also has garnered expert training at Sagicor Bank in the capacity of Assistant Manager - responsible for the oversite of all BOJ Regulatory Reports. A graduate of the University of Technology and an affiliate of the Association of Certified Chartered Accountant (ACCA) solidifies Damion as a competent and dexterous Accountant/ Auditor.

Damion, affectionately known as the “Leggo Beast” or “LB”, prides himself as a passionate track and field lover. He began his unique and bold journey of running with the Pacers Running Club in 2018.

Running has promoted a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle. Life has evolved and so has his gift and passion for running – a ‘beast’ has been birthed, hence his personal brand “Leggo Beast”. Damion has an infectious and authentic personality, which lends to his general warmth and passion to not only gift himself with growth but, to invite others to become better versions of themselves.


Brandon Ferguson

Social Media Director

Whether conquering city streets or tackling scenic trails, Brandon Ferguson embraces the discipline and endurance cultivated in both his professional and running spheres. Every step taken is deliberate and a testament to his resilience and determination, reflecting the same qualities he brings to the business arena. His endgame is success. 

Brandon's running journey isn't about chasing personal records; its a deliberate choice to promote a healthy lifestyle. By sharing his passion for running, he inspires colleagues and fellow professionals to integrate wellness into their own busy lives.

Follow Brandon and see how to truly *WIN* at *LIFE*

#Runner#Motivated #LifestyleBalance


Janice Brown

Run Co-ordinator

Seeing her, you'd not believe that Janice Brown is an adventurer at heart who combines her love for running with a passion for exploration. From bustling city streets to serene landscapes, she travels the world lacing up her running shoes in new and exciting destinations. She finds solace and strength on the marathon trail; each step is a testament to discipline, perseverance, and the joy of pushing personal boundaries.


Beyond running, Janice navigates the intricate worlds of finance and project management with a zest for both professional excellence and wellbeing. She embraces life with a holistic perspective, exercises her Christian faith and making a positive impact. As a dedicated parent who embodies the values that inspires her in all aspect of life, she strives to create an environment where love, respect and resilience are nurtured.

Follow her. She runs through life's incredible journey proving that with determination, heart and a pair of trusty running shoes one can conquer any challenge.


#agility #3xmarathoner #resilience #endurance


Charles Young

Route Co-ordinator

With a briefcase in one hand and a slice of carrot cake in the other, Charles Young navigates the intricacies of child rights law with the finesse of a seasoned attorney-at-law. 

Known for his sharp wit, humour, and keen intellect, he effortlessly manoeuvres through legal landscapes, all while daydreaming about his next indulgence in his favourite dessert. 

But Charles is more than just courtroom dramas and legal jargon; he is also a man of the streets—literally. When not immersed in legal documents, he's pounding the pavement with his trusty New Balance running gear, embarking on long jaunts through the city. Each stride not only burns off the calories from that extra slice of carrot cake but also brings solace amidst daily chaos. 

Despite his hectic schedule, Charles values a well-rounded life. Although he has yet to hear the pitter-patter of little feet, he eagerly anticipates swapping legal briefs for bedtime stories and soccer games. He also looks forward to the company of a loving and beautiful wife, accompanied by a golden retriever frolicking in the backyard. 

Follow along as Charles Young proves that you can indeed have your cake and eat it too—both in the courtroom and on the city streets. In the marathon of life, he's sprinting towards success and, who knows, perhaps even a New Balance sponsorship, one carrot cake at a time. #LegalLuminary #CarrotCakeAficionado #RoadRunner


Belinda Williams

Special Events Director

As a seasoned business professional and dedicated runner/marathoner, Belinda Williams seamlessly blends the fast-paced world of corporate leadership with the rhythm of the open road. With a passion for promoting a healthy lifestyle, Belinda hits the pavement to stay in shape and find balance amidst the demands of the business and boardroom. She understands the importance of balance. Running isn't just a workout routine; it's a way to clear the mind, boost creativity, and build stamina for the marathon of corporate leadership.

Follow Belinda’s running adventures and professional insights on IG @pacersrunningja and @belwill.iam. Join the journey as she paces through the intersections of running and leadership, proving that success is a marathon, not a sprint

#Fitover50 #Marathoner #BusinessAndBalance #HealthyLifestyleAdvocate

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2023 Pacers Running Club. Created by OneFit Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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