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Our History

The idea of Pacers Running Club originated out of a casual conversation among a few KPH doctors - Takeyce Palmer, Patrick Bhoorasingh and Lindberg Simpson - in early 2009.  The Sigma Run had been a few weeks before and the idea came up about having a running team from KPH that could participate in such events.  The only 'runner' in the conversation was Mr Bhoorasingh, who agreed to be the coach/trainer.  Takeyce and Lindberg first recruited another colleague, Dr. Conrad Morris, who had already been doing some running on his own, to help get this group together.  The 3 eventually rounded up a group of KPH folks (docs/nurses, PT) including Drs. Tanya Clarke, Dean Wong, Natalie Whylie, Marsha James, Richard Mayhew, Sandra Knight, Hugh and Sandra Russell-Wong, Rory Dixon and nurses - Karen McBean and Stephanie Daley.. The first run was arranged  at UWI one Saturday in May 2009.


The word eventually spread to non-KPH doctors and the decision was taken to establish Satudays as the official group running day.  As time went on other medical colleagues as well as non-medical friends joined the group.  In late Summer 2009, the group hosted a welcome breakfast at Sandra Knights’ home and was officially launched as  "PACERS" on that day.


The group continued to grow and plans were put in place to participate in upcoming Reggae Marathon.  Preparation officially began in September and although members would try to meet on weekday mornings, the formal long run day was Saturday, when 1 or 2 members would be responsible for the morning's run - to plan the route, get friends to man each 2mile water stop, to sweep, and from time to time, provide breakfast.


Among the additional recruits to Pacers in late 2009 were Carol and Rohan Dwyer, Dr. Lisa Franklin, Dennis Hickey, Dr. Donovan Jackson, Rez Burchenson, Henry Pratt, Dr. Robert Wallace, Ina Daley and Rafael Haciano, several of whom participated in Reggae Marathon that year


Over the next three years the group survived by persons volunteering to take the lead on organizing the weekly sweep roster, organizing our “security” those days, which were a group of biker bearers from Henry’s office, members breakfast with guest speakers etc.




In 2012 the group agreed on establishing a formal Club Executive.  At the first AGM held on June 23, 2012, the following executives were elected:


  • President:                                            Henry Pratt

  • Treasurer:                                           Avril Leonce

  • Chief Running Co-ordinator:             Leon Dixon

  • Social Director:                                  Sanya Goffe


Several decisions taken at that first meeting are still carried forward in the group today.

Annual Membership back then was $4,000 payable semi-annually. Security run fees per member was $300.




Club Presidents over the years are as follows:


Henry Pratt –  2012, 2013 and 2014

Daniah Dunstan – 2015

Stacey-Leigh Halsall-Peart – 2016, 2017 and 2019

Alicia Bogues – 2019 and 2020

Queenie Ko – 2021 and 2022

Gregory Tomlinson – 2023



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